Adam Gold

Our Services

Over 25 years of experience working in the field of professional services has given Adam Gold the skills and expertise help you develop effective management behaviours

Enhancing Individual Performance

In today’s markets senior executives face intense pressure to get things right. But they also need to take stock of what they are trying to achieve and the personal changes they need to make to ensure their continued success. Typically, however, they have no-one to talk to who is on their agenda and who will give them honest and constructive feedback. An executive coach provides a safe sounding board with a clear focus on the business issues. Just as importantly, the right coach provides the balance of support and constructive challenge necessary to help you achieve your goals.

Effective Relationship Skills
Effective Relationship Skills

Irrespective of your Product, Service or Brand values, you won’t get anywhere as an organisation if you cannot form, and keep, a close relationship with your clients and customers (and maintain effective relationships within your organisation). Building successful relationships requires both integrity (so that you will be trusted) and flexibility (so that you can adapt your style and behaviour to best fit the other person). The model gives an visual overview of the key areas where capability needs to be built. Skilful individuals who master the art of flexing their style can form productive relationships with a wide range of people. Unfortunately it is common for us to find individuals who just claim “I am what I am”. But skilful relationship building is not about not being yourself, it’s about being as flexible as possible in how you relate to others. The more flexible you can be the greater the range of people you can influence and help. Contact us for details of all the tools and techniques we have and how we help people deploy them across this framework to ensure successful long term relationships with their customers and clients.

Effective Group and Decision Making Skills
Effective Group and Decision Making Skills

Individuals don’t make much happen by themselves. Every business has to bring people together in teams to make decisions and get things done. But everyone has had an experience of being in a team where it doesn’t feel as if the team is working for the common good or making the right decisions for the right reasons. This always costs the organisation time, energy and money but it is not inevitable. Teams are always subject to hidden forces that pull them into patterns of behaviour that are not in the best interests of individuals or their organisations. Even worse, if the team has to make decisions whilst under “stress” (be it financial, environmental or emotional) the thinking will come from a “primitive” state of mind (i.e. a form of unthinking panic). Decisions made in these circumstances are inevitably not the best that could be made. The basis of our approach is that you cannot function effectively as part of a team unless you understand what can drive its behaviour and pay attention to the interpersonal forces that take place outside of conscious awareness.
We use a three focus approach to helping teams understand and then tackle the issues that are inhibiting their ability to function effectively. And at all times we work to ensure that team members are left with an enhanced capability to make decisions and navigate teams more effectively.

Aligning Cultures and Behaviours to the needs of the Organisation
Aligning Cultures and Behaviours to the needs of the Organisation

If there is a discontinuity between the brand and the internals of the business you will fail to project your brand successfully in the market. The Brand Pyramid is a useful way of looking at the various attributes of the organisation which must be aligned if you are to get congruence. But all of these have to be embodied and delivered by individuals. So, you have to focus on the way in which people behave and interact within your organisation. What really matters are the complex interactions between individuals, teams, leaders and the “corporate” at large. In particular, team climate distinguishes the top performers from the average, the average from the good. Our techniques for aligning culture and behaviours result in us working at all levels within the organisation from corporate management through key teams down to the role of the individual to ensure that behaviour and attitudes are aligned with the Brand and Corporate Mission.


  • Adam is an excellent coach who enables me to build confidence in my own ability to resolve difficult situations through discussion and then my implementing suggested leadership and management approaches. Adam allows me to explore the different perspectives to a situation including the uncomfortable viewpoints.
    Company Secretary & General Counsel FTSE 250 Company
  • After 10 minutes with Adam, I realised I was in a deeper rut than I had thought. Having identified that fact, he spent the next two months giving me a variety of options for climbing out of the rut which proved invaluable, and I learned lessons that have stayed with me throughout my subsequent career. He claims not to have done much except help me to assess my own strengths and ambitions – but I know there was more to it than that.
    Hilary Eastformerly Head of Corporate Marketing Team PricewaterhouseCoopers